zaterdag 26 december 2015
2007 - 2015
donderdag 17 december 2015
Christmas Message
were sixteen and idealists. The world had to be made a better
one and because the mindless masses and the detestable bourgeois
didn't do it, it was up to us. We joined the Action Group for Peace
and Development. Together with, amongst others, a vicar, a high
ranking civil servant, the unavoidable feminist and a number of trade
decided to use a heavy weapon: we'd go on a hunger strike during
Christmas, a great time for revelling. That would shock the world.
That would make the world a lot better. It could even be the
beginning of the end of international, oil dominated capitalism. We
were the vanguard that was to lead the battle from a tent in the town
square. Strategically situated in the centre, close to a public
urinal and a few pubs. The world would be castigated from Christmas
Eve until five o'clock on Boxing Day. After that we were to have our
Christmas dinner.
the icy night the world hit back. While we were trying to keep warm
in our sleeping bags, me secretly eating chocolates, an endless
procession of noisily drunk townspeople passed by, often shouting
curses that had little to do with the idea of Christmas. During the
day the square was the desolate umbilicus of the Bible Belt. Quarter
of an hour after we left, the reporter of the local rag came round,
someone told us later.
Photo: archive Kees
vrijdag 24 april 2015
Commemorating Rupert Brooke (1887-1915)
April 23 2015 the poet Rupert Brooke died aboard a French hospital
ship moored off the island of Skyros, in Tris Boukes Bay. His friends
and fellow officers buried him in a nearby olive grove where in later
years a tomb was placed on the spot of the original, provisional
grave. Brooke is also remembered on Skyros by a monument on the
square near the Archeological Museum and the Faltaits Museum, now
called Platia Brooke.
April 23, 2015 a Rupert Brooke Centenary Commemoration was held by
his grave, led by the reverend canon Malcolm Bradshaw, at which I had
the honour to be present as a poet from the Netherlands. During the
ceremony the British ambassador to Greece held a short address. A
guard of honour was provided by the Hellenic Airforce. Wreaths were
laid by the British ambassador, the governor of Central Greece, the
mayor of Skyros, the commanders of the Hellenic Airforce and Hellenic
Navy on Skyros, the American military attache in Greece and
representatives of various literary and cultural organisations, like
the Rupert Brooke Society.
the evening an exhibition on Rupert Brooke, called Rupert Brooke on Skyros: and Aegean corner of a foreign field was
opened by the British ambassador and the mayor of Skyros. It will run
until September 1 in the building of the primary school in
zondag 8 februari 2015
Open letter to the leaders of Europe
Roos Mavrikou-Zevenhuizen was born and educated in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Since a number of years she lives with her husband and children on the Greek island of Skyros where she daily experiences the misery and sheer poverty European enforced austerity has caused. She wrote this letter to some of the leaders of Europe. As we fear it will quietly disappear in the drawers of bureaucracy we publish it here as an open letter, with Roos' permission.
Greece, 05-02-‘15
Sincere mr. Dijsselbloem,
mr. Junckert, mr. Schauble, mr. Schultz, mr. Draghi and anyone else
responsible for European policies,
I suspect it will take a
lot for this letter to actually reach any one of you, but I hope this
cry of the heart eventually will.
My name is Roos Mavrikou,
born and raised in the Netherlands and since 2007 living in Greece,
with my Greek (hardworking) husband and our two small daughters of
six and three years old.
Every single one of you is
aware of the problems in Greece and still some facts seem to reach
you and your colleges in Brussels only as such. Facts. That around
27% of the working population is without a job seems only a
percentage in your eyes. For us it is reality. Life. That not even
10% of those people may apply for government help for less than 400
Euros per month, for no longer then a year, also seems to reach you
only as a statistic. While behind those statistics are families
living in this country with the same costs of living as example in
the Netherlands, or in Germany. That statistics has pushed a large
part of them into poverty.
I am a higher educated,
realistic and critical person, but Greece couldn’t continue like it
has been the last five years and therefore I understand and support
the Greek government in all its requests for renegotiation. That is
not radical for a country that after so many years of misconduct –and
I do not mean only the Greek government(s), but certainly also the
extreme reforms imposed by the troika, which the country, contrary of
public believe, has mostly followed through on- have brought only
I could make this letter
even longer by describing why this country reached a certain point,
but it is fighting huge prejudices.
However, when my daughter
of not even seven years old, has to go to school in the winter and
comes home with the message she wore her jacket all day, due to lack
of heating, and the same thing happens to us, when we have to go to
the local hospital, where the limited personnel also walks around in
their jackets, for the same reason, I fear that in Brussel people do
not realise how dramatic life has gotten here and Greek people are
not ungrateful (as media has pictured us now), but mostly desperate.
That’s why I see it as my obligation as a citizen of Greece, and
even more so as a mother of two young children, to write this letter
in the hope all of you will rethink how you view this situation in
Greece and the rest of Europe. Nobody can allege with dry eyes that
the approach of Greece's crisis has worked.
People here deserve more
than continuing forms of threats and oppression. We at least deserve
dignity and good functioning pillars of society; such as education
and healthcare. Those have crumbled down due to strong austerity
measures imposed by you and your colleagues from Brussels. Something
that can only be considered as shameful.
I am asking you for
understanding, for reasonability, and I am asking you to look deep
into your hearts and stop looking at us as the black sheep of Europe,
or mere statistics, but as people such as you and your family and
friends, who only want a normal live for themselves and their loved
Awaiting your reply,
Roos Mavrikou
Skyros, Griekenland
Geachte heer Dijsselbloem,
Ik vermoed dat er wel wat
voor nodig is om deze brief ook daadwerkelijk bij u te doen belanden,
maar ik hoop dat deze hartekreet bij u aankomt.
Mijn naam is Roos Mavrikou
en ik ben sinds 2007 woonachtig in Griekenland. Daar woon ik met mijn
Griekse man en twee dochtertjes van zes en drie jaar oud.
U bent als geen
ander op de hoogte van de problematiek hier en toch lijken bepaalde
feiten alleen maar als zijnde tot u en uw collega’s in Brussel door
te dringen. Dat 27% van de Griekse beroepsbevolking werkeloos is, is
in uw ogen slechts een percentage. Voor ons is het de werkelijkheid.
Dat nog geen 10% van deze werkelozen aanspraak kan maken op een
vergoeding van nog geen 400 euro per maand, voor nog geen jaar, lijkt
ook slechts een statistiek. Alsof hier geen gezinnen achter schuil
gaan die leven in een land met een even kostbare levensonderhoud
(huur, voeding, elektriciteit) als in Nederland; het land waar ik tot
mijn 27e
heb gewoond.
Ik ben een hoger opgeleid,
realistisch en kritisch iemand, maar Griekenland kan zo niet verder
en mede daarom begrijp en steun ik de huidige Griekse regering volop
in haar vraag om heronderhandelingen. Daar is niets radicaals aan,
aangezien het dit land na zoveel jaren van wanbeleid –en dan heb ik
het niet alleen over de Griekse regering, maar zeker ook over de door
de trojka opgelegde extreme hoeveelheid hervormingen die wel degelijk
voor het grootste deel zijn doorgevoerd- niets dan letterlijke en
figuurlijke depressie heeft gebracht.
Ik kan de brief heel lang
maken door te beschrijven waarom het land ooit op een bepaald punt is
beland, maar vaak is dat vechten tegen de bierkaai. Meer nog tegen de
onbuigzame politiek die vanuit Brussel wordt gevoerd.
Echter, als mijn dochter
van nog geen zeven jaar deze winter een week lang zonder verwarming
in het basisschool gebouw les krijgt en daarbij haar jas moet
aanhouden vanwege de koude en het gebrek aan budget voor stookolie,
en dit ons eveneens overkomt in het lokale ziekenhuisje waar het
beperkte personeel rondloopt in hun jassen, dan vrees ik dat er in
het buitenland niet beseft wordt hoe dramatisch het hier gesteld is
en dat de mensen hier niet ondankbaar zijn (zoals nu veelal wordt
beweerd), maar vooral wanhopig. Ik zie het als mijn taak als inwoner
van dit land, en als moeder van twee jonge kinderen, om u een brief
te schrijven in de hoop dat u goed nadenkt over hoe u tegen ons en
onze situatie aankijkt.
De mensen verdienen hier
meer dan de dreigingen over en weer. Wij verdienen op zijn minst
waardigheid en goed functionerende pilaren van de samenleving;
onderwijs en gezondheidszorg. Die zijn de afgelopen jaren compleet
afgebrokkeld, mede dankzij het opgelegde beleid en bezuinigingen van
u en uw collega’s in Brussel.
Ik vraag u om begrip, ik
vraag u om redelijkheid en ik vraag u diep in uw hart te kijken en
ons niet als het zwarte schaap, of slechts als statistieken te zien,
maar als mensen net als u en uw familie en vrienden die simpelweg
willen (over)leven.
In afwachting van uw
antwoord, verblijf ik,
Roos Mavrikou
vrijdag 23 januari 2015
Endemic discord
ancient Macedonians, a branch of the Dorians that settled in the
northern periphery of ancient Greece, were known as a hardened
people. It's no coincidence therefore that their most famous king
conquered more or less half of the then known world. All around the
Middle East there are still traces of it to be found. There even seem
to be a few villages somewhere in the wilds of Pakistan where it is
said a kind of Greek is spoken. Alexander achieved much indeed, but
he died too young out in Babylon to consolidate his empire and
without taking care of his succession. He wasn't that great after
all. As soon as he died his generals began fighting each other over
Alexander's legacy as a result of which the empire split up. In
recent history some people, even some historians, doubted whether the
Macedonians were Greek, but the violent quarrel amongst Alexander's
generals is typical for the endemic discord which characterises the
Greeks from ancient times until today.
of the present day Greeks, broken in spirit by sky-rising
unemployment, one pay-cut after the other and a wave of new taxes
introduced by a panicking government, seems to have resigned itself to
waiting until the economy will have collapsed completely or until the
drachma will be reintroduced with everything it may bring: famine,
civil war, even more mass emigration or Utopia. Another part
frantically supports the trade unions which seem to think that
strikes are the only adequate answer to the collapse of Greece's
economy. It's like a doctor prescribing continuous bleedings to cure
a patient suffering from anaemia. Anyone who seriously looks at the
situation in Greece must conclude that the medicine which is being
forced on the country (austerity, austerity and again and again
austerity) is terrifyingly counterproductive, destroying the social
fabric of society.
is no sign however of the Greek people uniting to face the problems
caused by successive Pasok and Nea Democratia governments and by the
harsh and stupid medicine sprung from the poisonous belief in
neoliberalism prescribed by the European Union, the European Central
Bank and the IMF. The Greeks are as deeply divided as ever. You would
expect them to have set up a government of national unity to head off
disaster as the British did at the outbreak of the Second World War.
Instead they remain bickering amongst themselves. There's always hope
of a change for the better, for less shouting and more listening in
parliament, but whether the elections of January 26 are going to
bring about that change is rather a rhetoric question I fear.
Foto: Kees Klok
donderdag 22 januari 2015
Lost for words
to Holland at the end of the summer we would find the garden that we
left well attended at the end of June overgrown, harnessing itself
for the inevitable autumn.
We gradually began putting it a bit into shape again, knowing it would all be in vain. The autumn covered it
with fallen leaves, sometimes winter would bring a blanket of snow
after which most of it turned into mud for weeks. We looked for the
spring and the magic of new life.
Shortly after the picture was taken
you fell terminally ill. Three months later I stood at your grave,
looking at the mountains in the distance. It was a sharp day in
Thessaloniki. A man appeared and silently began shifting earth into
the grave, while I turned away, lost for words.
Kees Klok
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